Buddha Purnima,Biography of Gautam Buddha

Buddha Purnima,Biography of Gautam Buddha
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Thursday 7 May 2020
Buddha Purnima marks the birth anniversary of Gautam Buddha (563 BCE– 483 BCE), which is marked in the month of Vaishakh of April/May (depends on the lunar it) every year. in this article, we will look into some insights from his life. 

The Key Insights from the life of Gautam Buddha:

  • Siddhartha or Gautam Buddha was born to Suddodhan and Maya into a royal family in Lumbini(Nepal) in 563 BC.
  • He was also named 'Shakyamuni', the sage of Shakya clan.
  • His mother died after 7 days of giving birth. 
  • He was married to Yashodhara and had a son named Rahul.
  • At 29, he realized that wealth did not bring happiness, so he explored the different teachings and philosophies to find the key to human happiness.
  • After 6 years of study meditation, he got enlightened at the age of 36 in Bodhgaya.
  • He spent his life preaching the principles of Buddhism ( Dhamma, or Truth) until he breathed his last.
  • The title Buddha was conferred upon him which means 'the enlightened one.'
  •  Mahaparinibbana-Sutta (“Discourse on the Final Nirvana”) describes his last days including nirvana and funeral.
  • Some of the works include Buddhacharita by Aswaghosha which reveals the act of buddha.
  • The three Universal truths of  Buddha's Teachings: Nothing is lost in the universe, Everything Changes, law of cause and effects.
  • The four noble truths contain the essence of his teachings. These were 'the suffering', the truth of the source of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, the truth of the path to the cessation of suffering.
  • The Noble eightfold path as per buddha is as follows: Right ViewRight Thought, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right MindfulnessRight Concentration.

Some of the important questions from the examination's perspective are as follows:

Q. The meaning of “Buddha” is
Ans. The meaning of “Buddha” is the Enlightened one. One who has achieved a state of perfect spiritual enlightenment, thereby attaining nirvana.4
Q. The Buddha attained enlightenment at :
Ans. Bodh Gaya
Q. In which language Buddha preached?
Ans. He preached his teaching mainly in Pali language, the language of common people.
Q. Where did Gautam Buddha take his Samadhi?
Ans. Gautam Buddha took his Samadhi at Khushinagar. Some facts related to gautam Buddha are mentioned below in the table.

Q. Buddha delivered his first sermon in?
Ans. Sarnath